Teaching & Upcoming Classes

Nicolette with her students Adelaide and Camille at a January 2020 artist’s reception at Carbondale Town Hall.

Nicolette delights in teaching drawing and painting, and teaches Colorado Mountain College in Glenwood Springs, the Basalt Library (in the slideshow below), the Bookcliffs Center for Arts & Humanities and for the Wilderness Workshop.

Most of Nicolette’s students are adults, but she also teaches a few talented homeschooled youngsters in her hometown of Carbondale.

Connect with Nicolette online at Facebook.

Classes Nicolette Teaches

  • Drawing and Creative Flow
  • Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
  • Perspective Drawing
  • Figure Drawing
  • Botanical Drawing and Painting
  • Plein Aire Drawing
  • Plein Aire Painting
  • Advanced Color Mixing for Watercolors, Oils or Acryllic Paints
Comment from a Drawing Student

Hi Nicolette,
Thank you for teaching the three Creative Flow Classes at Bookcliffs Arts Center recently. I enjoyed learning about drawing, resizing by grids, colors that work together plus those that don’t, and the overall approach to watercolor painting.

I learned a lot and it fulfilled my expectations!  My only disappointment is that it ended.  I would love to continue in a watercolor class with you.  With minimal beginner skills, I would benefit from continued instruction.

Mary Huffine

Nicolette fully believes that everyone can draw. Most of us do as children, but we get educated out of our right minds–that is, our schooling and our literate lives emphasize left-brain skills so heavily that we lose access to the right side of our brains.

That’s sad, because learning to draw – and to access the right side of the brain – give us access to creative flow. It’s both joyous and opens the gates to many other forms of art.

Come enjoy a class that combines mindfulness with exercises from Betty Edwards’ classic book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.

Drawing and Creative Flow Class

One of the popular classes Nicolette teaches is “Drawing and Creative Flow.” The class includes warm-up drawings and guided meditation as well as an upside-down drawing exercise drawn from Betty Edward’s book “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain”. The goals are to convince students that they really can draw (despite all the negative things they have been told over the years), to give them access to their right brain, and to enter the state of flow–that wonderful, wordless, timeless state experienced by athletes, musicians, dancers and artists when they’re “in the groove”.

The gallery below shows one of these Drawing and Creative Flow classes.

During these classes, students really do get in the groove! (Click any of the images below and a larger-sized image will open.